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The world is changing faster so Web & App Development industry, Web development technologies, and trends are changing and updating at a faster rate, and changing and updating things are the only way to keep your audience engaging and to provide a better user experience to them. If one wants to stay in business and be more competitive in the digital market, one needs to follow the latest web development trends and stronger web presence.

We have found some of the latest & effective web & App development trends that are running very well in the market and the user experience is awesome. Here we have made a list of web trends for you to save your time & efforts.

  1. Progressive Web Applications or apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is JavaScript-based websites that work like an app. PWA’s gives you experience like a native app, it’s a faster, more engaging, and credible version of your web.

In a Traditional HTML website, when you click on something or request something from the website, it loads the entire page while in PWA’s it requests only part of the site you requested like an app. Apart from this, we can use this offline, camera, microphone, notifications, GPS, and more.

According to the reports, 62.4% of the world’s population is on the internet, and increasing day by day. So people will more likely to incline this type of new trend.

Many eCommerce companies invested in PWA and many more already have Progressive Web Apps, the reason being it’s cheaper, faster, and more reliable.

2. Single Page Apps or Application (SPA) Web Trend

Single Page Applications (SPA) are used to increase your conversion rate by reaching to maximum no of targeted audiences.  Single Page Apps SPA’s Dynamically rewrites the page rather than the whole page like PWA’s. SPA uses JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue to refresh the existing page and shows that the user is actually switching the page.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Smooth Navigation
  • Faster Website Load Speed
  • Rich user Experience
  • Sales Conversions

Single Page Applications are excellent for companies or individuals who want simple and smoother navigation and increase sales. Many Web & App development companies and freelance Web Developers can help you get SPA’s.

3. Dark Mode User Interface UI

In the User interface, the Dark mode trend is popular now and seems to be growing in upcoming years. It reduces the blue light effect, decreases eye strain, and saves battery.

All the major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Reddit give you options to change the theme to Dark mode. Researches show that dark-themed web makes the user’s web browsing experience excellent and they enjoy the theme.

Organizations are asking web & app development companies or Freelance Website designers to use the Dark Theme UI or provide the option to switch the Light & Dark Theme.

4. Voice Input Search Trends

Text Search was on trend but voice searches started replacing it and soon it can replace the traditional way of searching. Studies show that kids and Old age prefer to go for voice search rather than typing it on their mobile. According to reports, the voice search market increased from $10.7 to $27.16 Billion by the year 2026.

It is found that voice search is becoming the top web development trend and must use efficient optimization strategies to stay on top in search engines.

5. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Web Trends

Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP is a little similar to PWA (Progressive Web Apps), its purpose is to accelerate the web page functionality and retain users.

AMP was introduced in the year 2015 by a group of big giants like Google, Adobe and WordPress, and many other news portals involved in the Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP project. But the question arises that why it was required so the answer is simple everyone is going on mobile and almost everything is online and if the website loads slowly, it’s no longer useful.

It is seen that a website takes more than 3 seconds for a user leaves the site and moved on to other. So with this view concept introduced and its trending in the market. While discussing with your team of web developers or freelance web designers ask them to make an AMP website so that user experience UX increases.

6. Artificial Intelligence AI-Powered Chatbots

Organizations started using chatbots rather than using the call center or IVR and it reduced the cost drastically as well as enhanced user experience excellent, earlier users were kept waiting on customer support center but with the help of AI chatbots, all the user’s IVR interaction headache has gone and increases the user experience better.

Almost every vertical started using the AI-enabled chatbots and they serve it through WhatsApp, Facebook, Insta or Skype, and many more. Soon smaller companies with less userbase start using the Chatbots for their user’s support and other operational services.

7. Cloud Hosting or Serverless Architecture

In Pandemic when everyone is working from home, Serverless Architecture or Cloud server is increasing and gaining popularity. According to Flexera, 99% of the organizations are using the private or public cloud. Reports show the brighter future of cloud architecture.

Here are some of the Benefits of the Cloud:

  • Affordable Solution
  • Easily scalable
  • Faster Speed

In this architecture, web developers run web apps without thinking about servers. They provide flexibility to scale on a run time. Some of the best cloud hosting providers are Amazon, Microsoft, and Google and many more are growing gradually.

8. Motion User Interface UI

With changing trends in web development, network, User interface UI experience is also getting many places in users’ interest. Organizations more care about UX user experience rather than UI but in changing scenarios retaining and gaining new customers by providing appealing web visual design is an effective strategy. Web Designers design Motion UI on a freelance basis or you can hire a Web & App Development team for this task.

Motion UI is a new and modern UI technique, however it’s trending since 2018. It’s built on SASS Library and because of this, it’s available for all the devices.

Motion UI is animating the components rather than using the previously large-size flash websites. It uses CSS shifts and custom animation integration and libraries for animated components. With the use of this, Web Developers don’t need to spend time in creating digital products.

9. IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT is changing our daily life, in fact, it’s going to change our lives completely 180 degrees. With the increasing no of internet users and technology lovers, our daily life changes from waking up till going to bed have changed and changed drastically.

 IoT makes devices enabled from our mobile phone from switching Lights on from Mobile to Turning off your Washrooms Tap has become the reality in daily life.

IOT’s Special benefits:

  • Scalable
  • Reliable
  • Safe & Secure

As per Statista, IoT devices will increase from 11.57 to 25.4 billion by 2030. This shows that it’s growing very quickly.

Opening a new venture in IoT can be beneficial for an entrepreneur.

10. Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technologies were first researched by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta in the year 1991 and later on the year 2008 Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin built on Blockchain technology. Basically, its record-keeping technology is immutable i.e. non-editable. In the last few years, many cryptocurrencies are introduced in the market and running quite well. Ethereum and Binance are performing quite well other than bitcoin these other coins or cryptocurrencies are called Alt coins means coins other than Bitcoins are called Alt Coins.

Ethereum has its own blockchain and they introduced smart contracts which are excellent features and give web developers the option to make DAPPS (Distributed Apps). In these developers need to work on Ethereum blockchain rather than on hard code creating the new Blockchain technologies.

Cryptocurrencies are very trending and according to the reports, there are 80 million users are using crypto wallets in November 2021. It also needs software and hardware support, trading exchanges, and legal regulation.

Blockchain is an emerging technology and rising people’s interest will cover the market very soon.


Trends change with time and we need to follow the current trend and market demand based on it business decisions need to be taken. We need to invest finances from time to time on technology up-gradation to grab more users base and to resolve users burning issues.

We have mentioned some of the best web trends for the year 2022 which are going to help you grow in the market.

We at Deepsoft technologies keep updating our skills and provide the web solutions and development services to our clients. You can contact us on prashantj3010@gmail.com or whatsapp on +91 82259 36185.

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